Minimonkey is 2nadabit years old
He is my world
He is daddymonkeys world
He makes me a better person
He made me a mum
I wish my mum would have met him
He is the happiest soul i know
He sees the good in everything
I want him to stay that way
I want to teach him that he can grow into whatever he wants

He is not a girl
Yes he has had a hair cut
No I'm not cutting it all off
When people call him ‘her’ i don’t correct them
He loves me even when i haven’t had a shower/ brushed my hair/ ironed my teeshirt
I don’t think he loves me when I don’t give him the biggest piece of cake (honestly we have had epic public tantrums when it comes to and him)
Minimonkey should have been born in January
He finally rocked up on Valentine's day
I will never receive a Valentine's gift again; apparently his birthday trumps my card!
Each day he falls in love with a new inanimate object (today it was his miniman broom: he is currently asleep with it!)
I don’t think he’s noticed that we don’t really have a clue how to parent
I don’t know what the future holds
I do know that i want to be there for him whatever it throws our way
His favourite food is anything (though mostly cake)
- Bear: can you tell we thought long and hard about a name
His favourite teddy is Bear (his Grumpa bought him and it was his first: this makes me beyond happy)
He is a quick little bugger
He has just entered the ‘terrible twos’ (So far it’s not too bad... I said so far!)
He called me mum the other day. I quickly told him my name was mummy (I am nowhere near ready for mum yet!)
His favourite nursery rhyme is ‘monkeys on the bed’
His favourite show is a combination of Clangers, Sarah & Duck,The Chase and WussyWat (I am happy with the first 3, still not sure about the 3rd)
There will be no Peppa Pig or Iggle Piggle in this house
He is my minimonkey
He is 2andabit years old (i know i already popped that in!)
Our lives are forever changed
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