I booked tickets for me and the small human before Christmas
Best friend and ‘NotOurSonsDad’ wanted to come along
That makes 3
Sister wanted a slice of the action
Booking Number 3
Brother In Law was quite upset he wasn’t automatically invited
Booking Number 4
4 Adults
1 Child
See, this is a good show and all the cool kids are going to be there!
6 Months Later
A beautiful Sunny Sunday Afternoon and we arrive at MAC Birmingham.
Running late, as per, we bundle on in with 3 minutes to spare, to see that we were ok as the doors had just opened (phew!)
We hadn’t told Small Human we were off to see Sarah & Duck and when he saw the pictures his beautiful face lit up like it was Christmas
In we go and into our seats we sit
The lights go down and the show begins.
The world in front of us is a wonderful blend of puppetry, storytelling and music. What always amazes me with shows like this is the children never once question why the grown ups are moving the characters around, they 100% believe and use their imagination to it’s full capacity.
The story is set around Scarf Lady. She has lost her birthday and so Sarah decides to throw her a surprise ‘birthday-soiree-do’ with the help of her friends, and so we are whisked into a world of magic and fun for around 50 minutes. I have read reviews from ‘proper papers’ who said this wasn’t original and wouldn’t capture the audience. I beg to differ (isn’t that what reviews are all about?). Watching his face light up everytime a character popped up, or seeing him get worried when it looks like the party might have to be cancelled because it’s ‘too windy’ was just wonderful and a memory for me I will keep. Looking around me during the show, everyone else appeared to be just as immersed into the world as we were.
The show continues to tour for a while longer so if your kids love the show, then this mum (and fan) recommends you go check it out.
If you are ever looking for something different to do with the kids, check out the MAC programmes as they have so much going on all year round for people big and small (plus we get to support the venue as they recently lost 70% of their funding).
I must add as a short and final note; during our performance there was a slight prop mishap in the first 10 minutes so the show had to be paused while they did a quick Health and Safety check. The cast and team at MAC were great and it didn’t dampen our experience of the show.
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